We love aden + anais swaddle muslins here at The Baby Hamper Company, but what are they? Well, these extra large sheets of 100% cotton muslin (a loose woven fabric) are used to tightly wrap young babies to comfort and soothe them. Babies love to be swaddle wrapped 'swaddled', and the aden + anais muslins are the perfect size. They are really large so make it really easy to wrap your precious bundle.

The loose weave of the muslins allow air to freely flow around the baby, so hot nights or cold mornings they regulate baby's body temperature. The very act of swaddling a baby helps to build the bond between mum and baby and makes babies feel safe and secure.
These muslins really are the ultimate all-in-one product for new mums and babies. They can be used as - a loose summer pram blanket, burping cloth, tummy time blanket, nursing blanket to name but a few.

How to swaddle your baby

The best things we think about the aden + anais brand and why we chose to stock them, is the quality of the products and the beautiful bright prints. The quality of these items is fantastic, they are made of the softest muslin fabric which gets softer the more you wash it. Being a lightweight fabric these can easy just be thrown into your changing bag, and also really quick to dry after washing.
The bright prints are really distinctive, and have made aden + anais a real celebrity favourite. Frequently being featured on celebrity babies, your baby with not only be super cool but super comfortable.

Shop online today from our full range of aden + anais swaddle blankets.